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EMG Test – When is it Used?

Jan 13, 2016
There are many diagnostic test that can help doctors determine what exactly is causing a patient’s pain. X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, diagnostic injections, and simple physical examinations are invaluable to a physician when narrowing down a diagnosis.

There are many diagnostic test that can help doctors determine what exactly is causing a patient’s pain. X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, diagnostic injections, and simple physical examinations are invaluable to a physician when narrowing down a diagnosis. Different tests are used for different means, and it can be hard for patients to keep everything straight. Today we are going to talk about the EMG test. This article will focus on the EMG test. We will explain what exactly the test consists of and when it can be used to successfully identify and treat pain conditions.

What is an EMG Test

EMG (which stands for Electromyography) is a diagnostic test that helps physicians determine the health of a patient’s muscles and motor neurons – signals sent from the brain to the muscles that direct movement. The procedure involves placing surface electrodes or inserting needle electrodes in the muscle(s) involved and tracking the transmission of signals to and from the muscle.

When is an EMG Test Used?

EMGs are typically used when a physician suspects an issue with the patient’s nerves, muscles, or the ability of your body to communicate with your muscles via nerves. Your doctor might order an EMG if you are experiencing tingling or numbness, or muscle cramping and pain. It can help solidify or rule out a diagnosis of peripheral nerve damage, spinal nerve issues, and various muscle disorders.

If you are dealing with pain on a daily basis and it is interfering with your ability to live life to the fullest, contact a pain management doctor right away. The pain specialists at Advanced Spine & Pain Clinics of MN can help narrow down the cause of your pain using tests such as the EMG and recommend a treatment plan that works. Make your appointment today by contacting our office.