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5 Ways to Beat Knee Pain

Oct 19, 2015
Knee pain comes in many shapes and sizes – from ACL & MCL injuries in the sports arena, to degenerative osteoarthritis. Similarly, there are many types of treatment methods for combating knee pain.

Knee pain comes in many shapes and sizes – from ACL & MCL injuries in the sports arena, to degenerative osteoarthritis. Similarly, there are many types of treatment methods for combating knee pain. Here we are going to offer five concrete ways to beat knee pain.

Over-the-Counter Pain Meds and Home Therapies

One of the most common methods for relieving pain of any sort is over-the-counter pain killers. Tylenol, Advil, ibuprofen, and other drugs are easily accessible and can be helpful in delaying pain. RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) is a first line of defense for knee pain and new injury. This is a good place to start, but more serious conditions and injuries will typically require additional treatments down the line.

Pain Injections

Injections (such as corticosteroid injections) are a popular treatment option for pain relief. These injections reduce inflammation in the knee and decrease pain in the process. Injections can be used to treat knee ligament tears, knee arthritis, and other conditions.

Physical Therapy

Physical and occupation therapies are most helpful following a knee injury that restricts mobility. A structured physical therapy course can help get your knee back to its fully functional state. Make sure you only do this with the help of a qualified physical therapist.


While not a great long-term treatment plan on its own, wearing a knee brace can help keep a stabilize the knee during exercise. Bracing can also aid in preventing a person from re-injuring their knee after they have recovered from a torn ACL or other injury.

Regenerative Medicine & PRP Therapy

Regenerative therapies are relatively new compared with these other treatment methods, but they have shown great results in the treatment of knee injuries and degenerative conditions. PRP therapy involves taking a sample of the patient’s blood, separating out the various elements of the blood, and then re-injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the knee area. This process encourages tissue regrowth, reduces knee pain, and boosts mobility, and PRP requires no recovery time!

As you can see, there are many options for treating knee pain. If you have tried home remedies with no luck, make an appointment with a pain management doctor to discuss your options. The Minnesota pain physicians at Advanced Spine & Pain Clinics of Minnesota have decades of experience treating patients with knee pain throughout the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro area. Give us a call to set up an appointment today!