Spinal cord stimulation is a revolutionary pain management treatment that can be very effective for patients suffering from chronic pain. By implanting a small wire in the epidural space near the spinal canal and applying a small electrical current to that area, the pain signals can be scrambled or blocked. A patient will experience a reduction in pain sensation. This is initially done as a trial; if successful, it will then be scheduled as a permanent implant.
Essentially, spinal cord stimulation works by sending small electrical currents to the dorsal column of the spinal cord and disrupting the signals that were being generated as a source of pain in the back. The patient undergoes a minimally invasive procedure to implant the stimulator in the back. Once in place, the device emits electrical currents on a regulated basis to disrupt pain signals. Here is an explanation of the trial procedure:
This treatment method does not work for every patient, but those that do find it effective report significant back pain reduction. Its effectiveness depends on the specific patient’s unique circumstances. In general, spinal cord stimulation is best for treating chronic pain conditions.
No matter the cause of your back pain, there are treatment options available. Let the experienced physicians at Advanced Spine & Pain Clinics of Minnesota help reduce your pain. Make an appointment using our online contact form or give us a call today at (612) 20-SPINE.